So, if you have read
my about page, you already know health and fitness are a HUGE part of my
life! I believe nutrition is the most
important aspect of healthy living, however, it is often overlooked or
misunderstood. I hope throughout this
“Eats” series you find encouragement, new facts, yummy AND healthy eats, and
advice you feel like you can incorporate into your daily life! After all, if I
have learned anything from my experience with nutrition - it has to be attainable
AND delicious, it’s all about progress.
If there is ever anything you want to see on here please let me know!
You can leave a comment or send me an email (danielleadams28@gmail.com).
Please note I am not a registered dietician and all advice given on here
is strictly from my personal experience. I promise if you ask anything I do not
know the answer to – I will do my best to find an answer for you! More often
than not – I’ll ask Josh (he’s my nutrition guru / amazing cook!) he knows
WAYYY more than I do about all things nutrition.
Starting off the
series I’m going to share my top 3 favorite snacks! Keep in mind I do not
like LOATHE cooking, so you will not find much of that around here. Snacks
are no exception. Here are a few of my favorites:
1. Emerald Vanilla
Roast Almonds – ohmydeliciousness, these puppies are like mini cookies in your
mouth! If you have not tried them, these are my top recommendation! I have not
met one person who does not like them.
Unfortunately, I cannot find them anywhere except for SOME Targets, and
when I do there is only like 2 or 3 left. Sorry if you find they are sold out,
I probably bought the rest of the stock. Oops.
(Also, the cocoa roasted ones are delish as well)
2. Terra Cinnamon
Sweet Potato and Apple chips (Warning: These are addictive, so for portion
control I recommend getting out how much you want and putting the bag back-
far, far away!) I have also tried the Terra Original Veggie chips they are very
good too especially with some guac. (All varieties gluten free)
3. Blue Diamond
NutThin Crackers (all varieties are gluten-free) – I eat these every day, and
tend to make meals with them, partly bc of their deliciousness, partly due to
my lack of cooking skills. I have tried
the Almond NutThins with a Hint of Sea Salt, the Pecan NutThins, and the Almond
NutThins with Chedder Cheese. The last
two options are my faves! I can eat these alone or make a meal with them- here
are a couple of my meal options:
* 1 serving (about 16 crackers) with a
Laughing Cow garlic and herb cheese wedge and honey ham (I eat Hormel honey ham
–its gluten free) I make little ham and cheese cracker sandwiches
* 1 serving with a Laughing Cow tomato
and basil cheese wedge and sliced pepperoni ( I try and get the reduced sodium
kind if they have it) If you like pizza, these will become your new best friends!
They are like mini pizzas! This is by far my favorite way to eat these
delicious crackers.
Side note: I do not
have Celiacs Disease, I choose to eat mainly gluten free for the health
benefits. If you are curious what these
are I will answer any questions via email and I am sure I will do a post about
gluten soon!
Just a brief history - Josh and I decided to start watching our
gluten intake about a year and a half ago.
Over the course of that time I have not only felt SO much healthier, but
I have also lost a significant amount of weight (which was not my original intention). For me, watching gluten was a part of a total lifestyle change. I am so thankful for that change, because I have found new passions for exercise and healthy living. Here is a picture of my transformation:
I would love to hear
about your favorite go-to healthy snacks and if you have tried any of my
suggestions! If so, did you love them as much as me?!
Also, if you have experienced a lifestyle change I would love to hear all about it! Email me at danielleadams28@gmail.com. We can share and encourage eachother! :)
healthy. Be confident. Be beautiful.
Much love!