Gosh, not sure where to start! Some A TON of things have changed since my last post nearly TWO years ago! Time seriously flies by when you are having fun! Looking back at my old posts, loads of emotions came over me... excitement because I remembered how much I loved to blog, then sadness because I missed writing about and sharing so many incredible experiences over these past couple of years, then back to sheer and utter EXCITEMENT because I am back and so ready to blog my little heart out! Here is life over the last 2 years in pictures (and a few words), enjoy!
The Engagement (lasted a quick 1 month before we said "I do")
Forehead kisses are my fave |
Of course we had to do cartwheels for our engagement pics, duh.
1 month later: We vowed to spend the rest of our lives together :) |
5 days later, yes only FIVE days... We moved to Spokane Valley, Washington! Needless to say, we are still in serious need of a honeymoon!
We spent a quick 8 months there. It was quite the adventure and the Hubs and I did A LOT of growing up. Washington you were beautiful, but the South is home :)
My men. I am one lucky girl :) |
We experienced our first real snow! Way different than the slush we get here in the South. I clearly was more excited than the Hubs. |
My little man is growing up! So handsome he is!
We took a longgg cross country trip back home stopping and visiting as many places as possible.
This is from Mt. Zion National Park (I think). A truly beautiful place. And in case you were wondering, I am jumping for multiple reasons, 1) We were on our back home, 2) I was out of the stinkin' car, and 3) Jumpy pics are my fave, so of course. |
Home. Georgia, you never looked so good!
Little dude is a ROCKSTAR car rider. He took the 60 something hour car ride home like a champ :) Wish I could say I did so well.
My very best friend got married to the man of her dreams and I was lucky enough to be her MOH!
The Hubs and I celebrated our 1st Anniversary in the North Georgia Mountains
We drank some a lot of wine at quite a few wineries. |
And rode some horsies!
Enjoyed an awesome girls getaway with my mom at the beach!
And that's about it, you are all caught up(ish). I am sure I will touch on our adventures out in Washington, our speedy engagement, the married life, and other happenings in more detail in later posts, but for now the short version will do :) In case you were wondering, the Hubs is doing what he LOVES and it is very close to his dream job. Super blessed we are. As for me, I am becoming a domesticated wifey at home while I figure out what God has planned for me. It's been a whole lot of cooking, praying, and self-discovery since we have been back. I am focusing on my passions, purpose, and dreams with the amazing support and encouragement from the Hubs, gosh I love that guy :) -XOXO-
Luv it!